How Often Should You Clean Your Windows?

Cleaning your windows is one of the simplest maintenance tasks you can do as a homeowner. It requires a bit of strategy so you can achieve the results you want. It also needs to be balanced — cleaning them too frequently makes the job tedious; and with too little cleaning, you risk neglecting your windows to the point that they become damaged.

So, how often should you clean your windows? Renewal by Andersen® of Sacramento answers this question and more.

The Importance of Clean Windows

Debris accumulation can make your windows more fragile. The grime that collects on windows can shorten their life span, and the excess weight of the dirt can lead to cracking and staining. In addition to that, dirty windows can also lead to visibility issues, blocking the light and ruining your outdoor view. These problems also make taking advantage of natural lighting more difficult.

For all these reasons, keeping your windows clean makes sense. Apart from helping boost your home’s curb appeal, cleaning helps preserve — and even extend — the window’s life span for the simple reasons that dirt and debris will compromise the glass.

When You Should Clean Your Windows

There are no rules dictating how many times you have to clean your windows. While most homeowners designate spring as the best time to perform window cleaning along with other home maintenance tasks, the frequency is usually relative. In other words, it depends on several factors like the general activity in your area and the local climate.

For instance, if your area sees high pollen counts during spring and early summer, you may have to clean your windows often. The same can be said for homeowners living near a production facility or construction site where there is dust and debris.

It pays to restore the beauty of your windows. However, if you find that cleaning and maintaining them is not enough, it may be time to invest in replacements. For that, you can turn to the experts at Renewal by Andersen of Sacramento. Call us today at (916) 779-5800 or fill out our online contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve homeowners in and around Sacramento, CA.