How to Address Window Condensation During Winter

Windows play an important role in the insulation of a home, particularly in an area like Sacramento, CA. However, during the cold winter months, window condensation can form when warm, moist air meets the cold glass. Window condensation is not only unsightly, but it can also cause damage to your windows and even your walls if left unaddressed, requiring you to get replacement windows. In this blog post, we will discuss what causes window condensation and provide solutions on how you can address this issue.

How to Address Window Condensation During Winter

What Is Window Condensation and Why Does It Occur?

Window condensation is the moisture that builds up on the inside of windows. This happens when warm, moist air from inside your home meets the cold glass and then cools down, causing water droplets to form. Even in mild climates, window condensation usually occurs during the winter season when temperatures outside are much colder than inside your home. 

How to Prevent Window Condensation

There are several steps you can take to reduce the chances of window condensation forming on your windows, such as:

  • Increasing Interior Humidity: One way to reduce window condensation is by increasing the interior humidity in your home. You can do this by running a humidifier, placing houseplants around your windows or cooking with lids on pots and pans.

  • Improving Ventilation: Improving ventilation in your home is another way to reduce window condensation. This can be done by opening windows when temperatures outside allow it and using exhaust fans in the kitchen, bathroom and other areas where moisture builds up.

  • Using Caulk and Weatherstripping: Caulking and weatherstripping around your windows can also help prevent window condensation. Caulk helps to seal any air leaks that might be allowing cold air in. At the same time, weatherstripping adds an extra layer of insulation to reduce the temperature difference between inside and outside your home. 

  • Choosing Double-Pane Windows: Choosing double-pane windows for your home can also help prevent window condensation. As these are newer, they might require you to do some home remodeling, but they’re worth it. Double-pane windows have two layers of glass with an air pocket in between, which helps keep cold air out and warm air in. This reduces the temperature difference inside and outside your home and helps reduce window condensation.

If you need professionals to replace your windows or doors in Sacramento, CA, contact Renewal by Andersen® of Sacramento at (916) 779-5800 or fill out our online form to schedule a free consultation.